2013.1Q 미국보청기 시장의 판도 변화, Wireless 제품이 70%나 육박
지난주 금강보청기 네트워크 세미나 때 이후에 나온 자료여서 말씀을 못드렸으나, 오늘 스타키보청기 네트워크 세미나 강의 시간에 잠시 언급하도록 하겠습니다. 아래 표를 보시면 Wireless 제품군이 차지하는 비율이 70% 입니다. 본 자료의 출처는 Hearing Review 임을 밝힙니다.
가장 하단의 원문에서 꼭 보셔야 될 내용은 1~3번으로 요약해 보았습니다.
Wireless Hearing Aids Now Constitute 70% of US Market
1. RIC/RITEs now constitute half (49%) of all hearing aid sales, and four-fifths (82%) of all RIC/RITEs use wireless technology.
2. The majority (73%) of traditional BTEs are wireless, while just less than half (46%) of ITEs are wireless.
3. HIA statistics indicate that more than one-quarter (27.7%) of completely-in-the-canal (CIC) aids are wireless and half (50%) of all in-the-canal aids. Wireless technology is also present in half (48%) of full-shell ITEs and nearly three-quarters (71%) of half-shell ITEs.
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「Wireless Hearing Aids Now Constitute 70% of US Market 」
Published on Friday, 26 April 2013 10:32
In the first quarter of 2013, the Hearing Industries Assocation's (HIA) statistical reporting program started tracking the use of wireless versus non-wireless hearing instruments. These new statistics show that wireless hearing aids now constitute 70.0% of the entire US market. In the private-sector (non-VA), two-thirds (65.1%) of all units dispensed are wireless. In the VA, about 9 in 10 (89.6%) of all units are wireless.
The figure shown here provides information on the usage of wireless versus non-wireless hearing aids in the first quarter of 2013 separated into three styles: in-the-ear (ITE), traditional behind-the-ear (BTE Trad), and receiver-in-the-canal or receiver-in-the-ear (RIC) device catagories. RIC/RITEs now constitute half (49%) of all hearing aid sales, and four-fifths (82%) of all RIC/RITEs use wireless technology. Traditional BTEs and ITEs essentially split the remaining half of the market into their respective quarters. The majority (73%) of traditional BTEs are wireless, while just less than half (46%) of ITEs are wireless.
Wireless technology has made substantial inroads into even the smallest ITEs. HIA statistics indicate that more than one-quarter (27.7%) of completely-in-the-canal (CIC) aids are wireless and half (50%) of all in-the-canal aids. Wireless technology is also present in half (48%) of full-shell ITEs and nearly three-quarters (71%) of half-shell ITEs.