
2012년도 미국의 보청기 총판매수량 (hearing aids sold in US,1979-2012)

브라이언송 2013. 3. 4. 10:00


2012년 미국에서 판매된 보청기 판매 수량은 2,852,535 대(unit)로 해마다 증가하고 있습니다. 미국 내에서도 작년에는 경기가 좋지 않다는 소리가 들리기는 하였으나 결산을 해서 집계해보니 전년대비 2.9% 소폭 성장을 보였습니다. 한국 시장의 24배 정도 되는군요. 사진 dyn.politico.com








오늘 블로그에 소개해 드리는 내용과 통계 그래프 자료의 처는 2013 Febr. Hearing Review 저널에 소개된 내용임을 밝힘니다. (http://hearingreview.com/)








Hearing Aid Sales Up 2.9% in ‘12




A net total of 2,852,535 hearing aids were dispensed in the United States during 2012, for an increase of 2.9% over the previous year, according to statistics released in January by the Hearing Industries Association (HIA), Washington, DC. Private sector (non-VA) unit sales rose by 2.8% in 2012, while Veterans Administration dispensing activity increased by 3.2% (Figure 1). The VA now constitutes 20.2% of the entire US hearing instrument market.



Behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aids constituted 70.7% of the entire US market in 2012, which was about the same as 2011 (69.9%). However, BTEs with external receivers (RICs and RITEs) continued to consume a larger portion of market share.







Figure 1. Net unit sales of hearing aids sold in the United States, 1979-2012. Green bars represent total hearing aid sales while blue bars at bottom represent units dispensed by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). Source: Hearing Industries Assn.






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