
Hearing Review 편집자가 뽑은 2012년 아티클(article) TOP10

브라이언송 2013. 1. 6. 17:56


청각산업의 변화에 대해서 시기 적절한 정보와 자료를 제공해 주는 히어링리뷰(The Hearing Review)라는 저널지가 있습니다. 너무 학문적이지도 않고 온라인에서도 제공하고 있어서 실용성과 편의성을 모두 제공하고 있다고 볼 수 있습니다. 제 블로그에서도 가끔씩 소개해 드리곤 하였는데, 오늘은 2012년도를 마감하면서 히어링리뷰 편집자가 뽑은 우수글 10편 (top10) 을 소개하고자 합니다. 사진 talktalkblog.co.uk




The following are HR editor Karl Strom’s Top 10 article picks for 2012, as well as a dozen more “must reads” in cased you missed them in 2012.

Please note: Due to our recent Hearing Review website redesign, some of the articles listed may be missing images and charts, or formatted incorrectly. We are addressing these issues one by one, as quickly as possible. In the meantime, please refer to the corresponding print edition of HR or in our Digital Editions. (Click “archive” to the left of your screen to see past issues.)






1) MarkeTrak VIII: The Key Influencing Factors in Hearing Aid Purchase Intent, by Sergei Kochkin, PhD. March 2012 HR, pgs 12-25.




2) The Secret is Service, by Jerry Northern, PhD. May 2012 HR, pgs 16-26.




3) Expert Roundtable: Issues in Cognition, Audition, and Amplification, by Douglas L. Beck (guest-editor), Brent Edwards, PhD, Larry E. Humes, PhD, Ulrike Lemke, PhD, Thomas Lunner, PhD, Frank R. Lin, MD, and M. Kathleen Pichora-Fuller, PhD. September 2012 HR, pgs 16-26.




4) Three Known Factors that Impede Hearing Aid Adoption Rates, by Amyn Amlani, PhD, and Brian Taylor, AuD. May 2012 HR, pgs 28-34.




5) Factors Influencing Patient Utilization of Audiologic Treatment Following a Hearing Aid Purchase, by Virginia Ramachandran, AuD, Brad A. Stach, PhD, and Andrew Schuette, AuD, February 2012 HR, pgs 18-29.




6) Musicians, Hearing Care Professionals, and Neuroscientists, by Douglas L. Beck, AuD, and Anjali Bhatara, PhD. February 2012 HR, pgs 10-16.




7) Recipes for Verification Success, by Tammara Stender, AuD, and Astrid Haastrup, MA. March 2012 HR, pgs 26-32.




8) Hearing Aids for Severe-to-Profound Losses: Business as Usual? By Francis Kuk, PhD. March 2012 HR, pgs 38-46.




9) Telepractice in the Department of Veterans Affairs, by Kyle C. Dennis, PhD, Chad E. Gladden, AuD, and Colleen M. Moe, PhD. October 2012 HR, pgs 44-50.




10) 2011 survey of US Dispensing Practice Metrics, Parts 1 and 2, by Phonak Market Research Department. August 2012 HR (pgs 16-23) and Sept 2012 HR Products (pgs 8-13).






Top10 에는 들지 못했지만 꼭 읽어야 될 아티클 12편도 소개합니다.



A Dozen More “Must Reads” for 2012

(Listed sequentially.)





1. Methods for Prescribing Gain for hi HealthInnovations' Hearing Devices: Reliability and Accuracy, by Dianne Van Tasell, PhD. January 2012 HR, pgs 18-26.




2. High Drama: The Unraveling of HearUSA, by Holly Hosford-Dunn, PhD, Jan 2012 HR Blog Page, p 50.




3. A Review of Wireless Hearing Aid Advantages, by Charlotte T. Jespersen, MA. February HR, pgs 48-54.




4. Pediatric Hearing Instrument Fittings and the UWO Plurals Test: A Case Study, by Christine Jones, AuD, and Margaret Winter, MS. February HR, pgs 30-39.




5. Face Me Doc. I'm Still Hard of Hearing, by Gael Hannan. February 2012 Blogpage, p 70.




6. The Role of Wireless Streaming in Tinnitus Management, by Michael Piskosz, MS. March 2012 HR Products, pgs 12-15.




7. Making a Digital Impression Using a 3D Ear Canal Scanner, by Shahid Azim. May 2012 HR Products, pgs 8-10.




8. 3DM Scans the Future of Hearing Care, by Karl Strom. July 2012 HR, pgs 28-34.




9. What's New About NAL-NL2? By Jason Galster, PhD, and Katherine Stevens, PhD. September 2012 HR, pgs 28-30.




10. The Need for Tele-Audiometry, by De Wet Swanepoel. October 2012 HR, pgs 18-25.




11. Avoiding Earmaggedon, by Dennis Van Vliet, AuD. November 2012 HR Final Word, pg 70.




12. Open-Fit Hearing Instruments: Practical Fitting Tips, by Jennifer Groth, MA, and Erica Koehler, AuD. November HR Products, pgs 8-11.






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