[동영상] 우간다(Uganda)에서 함께한 클린턴 재단과 스타키청각재단
아래 동영상과 소개 내용은 클린턴 재단 홈페이지 에서 그대로 인용되었음을 밝힙니다. 우간다에서 함께한 클린터재단(Clinton Foundation)과 스타키청각재단(Starkey Hearing Foundation)의 활동을 담은 동영상입니다. 청각전문 제조기업인 스타키히어링테크놀로지스와는 별도로 운영되는 비영리 조직으로 2020년까지 전세계에 1백만대를 기부하는 것이 미션입니다. 홈페이지에 가보시면 2004년부터 매년 계획적으로 활동해오고 있다는 것을 알 수 있습니다.
On Friday President Clinton traveled to Uganda and visited two organizations which have made commitments through the Clinton Global Initiative – the Building Tomorrow Academy of Bubeezi and the Starkey Hearing Foundation. President Clinton also visited a Clinton Health Access Initiative National Medical Store and Prescription Distribution Center where he discussed a new program to scale-up the treatment for diarrhea. View photos from the visits. Two delegation members who joined President Clinton on the trip – Jonathan Orszag, senior managing director, Compass Lexecon, LLC, and Jeffrey Wright, acclaimed actor and founder,Taia Peace Foundation – share their thoughts on our blog. Jonathan writes on our blog about how Clinton Foundation partnerships are strengthening Uganda, and Jeffrey reflects on our blog on how President Clinton is helping to transform Africa's future.
President Clinton visited the Building Tomorrow Academy and met with academy students, educators, and the organization's founder and country director. Building Academy works to expand education for underserved children in East Africa, and through a 2011 Clinton Global Initiative commitment, Building Tomorrow is planning to enroll 15,000 primary school students annually in 60 Building Tomorrow Academies by 2016. Building Tomorrow has completed construction on 13 schools, and the academy of Bubeezi is the eighth and most recent Building Tomorrow Academy in Uganda.
President Clinton also visited the Starkey Hearing Foundation while in Kampala, Uganda, to provide 250 hearing aids to children. Through a 2010 Clinton Global Initiative commitment, the Starkey Hearing Foundation committed to donate one million hearing aids to children in the developing world by 2020. The Starkey Foundation has already fitted 110,000 hearing aids and have conducted hearing programs in 100 countries worldwide.
President Clinton's final stop in Uganda was at the CHAI National Medical Store and Prescription Distribution Center. President Clinton toured the center where all medicines are inventoried for the public health sector and spoke at a roundtable to discuss CHAI's new treatment program for diarrhea. Diarrhea contributes to approximately 10% to Uganda's national cause of child mortality, and CHAI is scaling-up their efforts to expand access to an affordable treatment of oral rehydration salts and zinc. Through this treatment, Uganda can prevent tens of thousands child deaths.