브라이언송's 강의,교육,여행

브라이언송의 레쥬메(Brian Song's Resume)

브라이언송 2010. 5. 20. 18:16
사회 생활을 시작 하면서 제 자신과 약속한 것 중 한 가지가 6개월 마다 이력서를 다시 써보자는 것이었습니다. 6 개월 단위로 1년에 두 번 이력서를 다시 보게되면 그간 어떻게 살았는지 그리고 뭘 해야하는지 자연스럽게 제 자신을 돌아보는 계기가 됩니다. 그런데 영문 이력서는 사회 생활 초기에 써 보고 그 이후 작성해 본 적이 없었습니다. 이제 다시 영어공부를 좀 해야겠다는 생각이 들어서 차분하게 작성해 보았습니다. 







Brian W. Song


Date of Birth: OO/OO/19OO (Male)

Nationality: South Korea

E-mail: brian_song@starkey.co.kr / 08rose@hanmail.net

Mobile: 010-5215-7436

Brian’s Blog (BrianSong's Ear & Hearing) : Myaudiologist.kr



Work Experience


Jan. 2007 ~ Present:   Korea Education & Training Trainer (Authorized by Starkey HQ)

Education Manager & Sales Manager

Seoul, Starkey Korea Ltd.



Jan. 2002 ~ Dec. 2006:  Audiologist, Manager, Sales Department

Seoul, Starkey Korea Ltd.


     Training retailers about Hearing aid technology & Audiology

 Currently about OOO with dealers is in the process of transacting business.

     Training Starkey Franchisee for running Hearing aid Business & Audiology

 Currently OO franchisee operating

     Training Starkey Retail Staff for Audiology and Hearing aid business

     Training Starkey Sales Network: OO, OOO, OOO, OO

 Starkey Network occupies OO% in whole sale

     Training the University & Master course student for Hearing aid & Cochlear Implant

     Launching new Starkey products (translation, presentation) :

 2002 Genesis series, 2006 Destiny series, 2009 S series)

    Report market research data to Headquarter in every quarter

    Translating materials into Korean


Jan. 2003 ~ Apr. 2009:  Clinical Audiologist, Starkey Audiology Research Center

Seoul, Starkey Korea Ltd.


     SARC operated troubleshooting for Starkey end users

     Fitting hearing impaired people with Starkey hearing aids

     Counseling hearing impaired people over the phone about HA Fitting & Cochlear Implant

Oct. 2002 ~ Dec. 2006:  Clinical Specialist, Cochlear Ltd.

    Training Audiologist in Cochlear Implant Clinic

    Teaching Cochlear Implant Mapping to Audiologist & Speech Pathologist

    Support CI Mapping & Intra OP NRT to OO CI Clinics

    Counseling for CI candidate


2001:  Audiologist, Hearing Center, Otorhinolaryngology / Head Neck Surgery,

       Hallym University Medical Center


2000:  Researcher, Institute of Audiology, Hallym University




Special Achievement (overseas)

Mar. 2009: International Trainer meeting, Starkey HQ, Minneapolis, USA,

Jun.2008: Asia Pacific Trainer meeting, Starkey China, China

Sep. 2007: American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Washington D.C, USA

Sep. 2007: New Product Training meeting, Starkey HQ, Minneapolis, USA

May. 2006: CI New Product 'Freedom' Mapping training, Cochlear Ltd, Sydney, Australia

Jun. 2006: Auditory Training, Shepherd Center & Sydney Cochlear Implant Center, Sydney, Australia

Nov. 2005: 5th APSCI (Asia Pacific Symposium on Cochlear lmplants and Related Sciences), Hong Kong

Nov. 2003: 4th APSCI (Asia Pacific Symposium on Cochlear lmplants and Related Sciences),, Taipei

Oct. 2002: CI & NRT training as a Korea Clinical Specialist,, Cochlear Ltd, Sydney, Australia

Nov. 2002: CI Training, Royal Victorian Eye & Ear Hospital & Melbourne University, Melbourne, Australia




Relevant Experience

2009: Member of Committee of Audiologist Qualification certificate test by KAA (Korean Association of Audiology)




Special Lecture

2005, 2006: Hearing Test & Masking, KOSHA (Korea Occupational Safety & Health Agency)

2006, 2007, 2008: Qualification certificate practice education, KAA (Korean Association of Audiology)

2003, 2004, 2005: Hearing Aid Counseling & Fitting, KAS (Korean Audiological Society)

2004, 2005, 2006: Cochlear Implant, KAA (Korean Association of Audiology)

2004: Hearing aid technology, KAA (Korean Academy of Audiology)






2002: Test-Retest reliability of the uncomfortable loudness level using an instructional set.

2006: Usage and Satisfaction of Devices among Parents of Children with Cochlear Implant.

2006: Audiologists in Australia, Canada, Central America and South America.

2007:  Comparison of Hearing Thresholds as a Function of Distance in Children with Hearing Aids and FM systems

2007: New Technology in Nucleus Freedom Cochlear Implant System





Mar. 2005 ~ Feb. 2007: Ph.D. All but Dissertation, Major: Audiology

Graduate School of Hallym University


Mar. 2000 ~ Feb. 2002: a Master’s degree in Audiology,

Graduate School of Hallym University

A master’s thesis: Test-Retest reliability of the uncomfortable loudness level using an instructional set



Reference available upon Request







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